If Denmark is to maintain a strong position on the global market, future generations will need to have the necessary knowledge of standards and standardization.
Today, most Danish students have limited knowledge of standards, even though standards can have great value for their future work and their future employers. Consequently, Danish Standards is actively working to make knowledge and teaching materials available to teachers at Danish knowledge institutions, thus incorporating the knowledge of standards and standardization into relevant courses.
As a teacher you have the possibility of drawing on standardization competencies at Danish Standards and arrange guest lectures for your students. Please write an email to our consultant Signe Anette Bøgh to book a guest lecturer.
At Danish Standards we are contacted by an increasing number of businesses and students who demand basic knowledge of standards and standardization. For this purpose, we have compiled a range of materials that can be used in education.
Did you know that most educational institutions have access to all standards in one system? The system is called Standard Distribute and is an online library.
Most organizations work to a greater or lesser extent project-based. ISO 21500 and ISO 21502 - Guidance on Project Management contribute to an understanding of the project management and a systematic approach to processes and concepts in project management. Danish Standards offer students an exam that confirms their competencies in ISO 21500 and ISO 21502.
At the EU level, some EUR 70 billion has been allocated to Horizon 2020. To ensure that Denmark can take part in this, Danish Standards has stepped up its focus on participation in EU research projects and guidance on the possibilities of incorporating standards and standardization.
Research and, not least, the dissemination of research results is important for Denmark’s growth and development as a knowledge society. In this connection standardization plays an important role. Consequently, Danish Standards focuses on strengthening the linkage between research and standardization, as this contributes to strengthening the research projects. Danish Standards can also help you clarify how to use standardization in your research project. For more information, please write to Maria Skou, Head of Department.