Creating a good working environment requires cooperation between management and employees. If the company wants to reduce accidents at work, have a good indoor climate, care for its employees and ensure the best possible mental working environment, cooperation and dialogue are essential. An OS&H management system to ISO 45001 can help you achieve this.
The purpose of ISO 45001 OS&H management is to improve your performance in relation to working environment by creating the framework for management and managing the risks that exist in your working environment. This helps reduce accidents at work and create safe and healthy workplaces. The standard's requirements and guidance thus provide you with a tool to put your OH&S work in system and ensure that you continuously control your working environment and evaluate and improve your efforts.
By introducing the OS&H management system ISO 45001, you and your company work in a structured way with OS&H learning.
Buy the standard DS/ISO 45001:2018 in Danish Standards' webshop.
With the completion of ISO 45001, the development of more standards in the field of occupational safety and health is now a next stage.
The following work topics have been identified
More than 50 countries and organizations have been involved in writing the standard which can be used by all companies and organizations regardless of industry and type of business. The standard replaces OHSAS 18001 and has the same structure as the other major management standards, ISO 9001 and ISO 14001. The deadline for changing a management system from OHSAS to ISO 45001 is 12 March 2021.