All standards and publications that can be ordered and purchased from this website have been approved and published by Danish Standards. The catalogue contains information about all published Danish standards and published Danish draft standards. Moreover, it contains information about withdrawn DS publications or standards as well as any replacements.
Danish Standards owns the copyright of all standards and publications that can be ordered from this website. The purchase of a standard merely entitles the purchaser to the single copy. If an enterprise needs several copies for several employees, it shall seek permission from Danish Standards before reproducing material in full or in part. Similarly, permission will have to be applied for if the standard is to be made available in electronic form to more than one user. If a standard is reproduced in conflict with the copyright of Danish Standards, a fee as well as compensation will be payable to Danish Standards. Permission to reproduce standards can be obtained from Publishing and Customer Services at Danish Standards.
All orders will be processed not later than the following business day after receipt of your payment/order. If the standard or publication cannot be delivered within 24 hours, the customer will be contacted and given an expected delivery date. All orders will be processed in accordance with the certified ISO 9001 quality management system of Danish Standards.
Right of return / right of cancellation
The publications of Danish Standards, whether bought in physical or electronic form, can be returned in accordance with the rules of Danish legislation. The publications of Danish Standards may be returned within 14 days of receipt. If the goods were damaged in transit, or the customer received the wrong standard or publication, the standard or publication can be returned and a new one will be sent subsequently. In case of errors in ordering, where the customer has ordered a given standard or publication in good faith, the customer is welcome to contact Publishing and Customer Services at Danish Standards for a possible return of the goods and for help and guidance in verifying the relevant standard or publication.
All complaints received in writing will be answered within five working days. Oral complaints will be resolved as far as possible by the employee who receives the complaint, or by his or her superior. Anonymous complaints are not dealt with.
Further information / Contact
For further information, please contact:
Publishing and Customer Services
Tel: + 45 39 96 61 31
fax: + 45 39 96 61 02
E-mail: DSsalg@ds.dk
Postal address:
Fonden Dansk Standard / Danish Standards Foundation
Göteborg Plads 1
DK-2150 Nordhavn