1. Establishment of standardization committees
If there is interest in a given standardization project among Danish businesses, authorities, interest organizations and/or research and educational institutions, and if funding is available, Danish Standards will set up a standardization committee.
2. Drafting of proposals
Most often it is a European or an international standard, the task of the committee being to ensure maximum Danish influence on the contents of the standard and thus ensure that Danish interests are catered for. A purely national standard will be prepared only in very few cases.
3. Consultation proposal
All proposals for new European standards will be published and submitted for consultation, because Denmark has undertaken to give all approved European standards the status of Danish standards. Proposals for national standards will, of course, also be submitted for consultation, and certain proposals for international standards will also be published for consultation.
4. Consideration of comments
It is the respective standardization committee that considers the Danish comments on the European or international proposals received under the national consultation procedure. All Danish comments on the proposal are subsequently submitted.
5. Approval
In the case of a proposal for a European standard, the final approval is made by a weighted vote among the countries of the European member states. Large countries have 29 votes, whereas Denmark has seven. 71% of the weighted votes for the proposal shall be provided. In the case of a proposal for an international standard, each country has one vote and at least two-thirds of active members shall vote in favor.
6. Publication
Once a standard is approved, it can be purchased from Danish Standards. Danish Standards has the exclusive right to publish standards in Denmark and has copyright on the contents.
7. Assessment and revision
The standard is reassessed at least every five years. If necessary – e.g. on the basis of technological developments or new knowledge – the standard is revised.
8. Withdrawal
Standards that are no longer relevant will be withdrawn by Danish Standards.