If your organization wants to work more focused and systematically to foster equality and diversity, and make your workplace more attractive to future employees, help is available.
DS 5001 is a management system that makes it easier for an organization to work in a structured and measurable way to promote equality and diversity, to establish and maintain an inclusive workplace, and to be able to document its own efforts and results. In addition, an organization may become certified to the new management standard, thus obtaining documentation of its ambitious and continuous work to achieve equality and diversity.
The standard will be suitable for all types of organizations – companies as well as institutions – regardless of size and sector.
The management standard can also help organizations avoid bias in the recruitment of new employees, ensure an inclusive culture, and provide clear policies and objectives for equality and diversity.
Furthermore, the standard addresses issues such as:
With DS 5001 Equality and diversity management systems, organizations are equipped with management and business structures and tools for how to bring diversity into play and how they can benefit from the potential of collaboration across the multiple facets of diversity. The standard will also be applicable if you want to implement, for example, the UN Sustainable Development Goals #5 gender equality, #8 decent work and economic growth and #10 reduced inequalities.
The standard is structured along the lines of other management standards, such as ISO 9001 Quality management, ISO 14001 Environmental management and ISO 45001 Occupational health and safety management. So, if organizations are already working within the framework of a management system, applying the new equality and diversity standard will be quite simple.
In our webshop you can buy the standard DS 5001:2022 - Diversity and equality management systems – Requirements and guidelines
At this course, you will be presented with the new standard DS 5001 Equality and diversity management systems. You get an overview of the requirements in the standard and examples of how to translate them into practice. And there will be exercises to inspire your subsequent work in the organization.