Consequently, The anti-bribery management standard DS/ISO 37001 is something any company or organization with cross-border operations should adopt.
ISO 37001 is an international, certifiable anti-bribery management standard. The management standard is a system intended to guide enterprises and organizations in how to establish a systematic way of minimising the risk of bribery and how to document the measures to avoid bribery.
The DS/ISO 37001 management system has been designed to introduce an anti-bribery culture within an organization and to implement appropriate controls, which is to increase the chance of detecting and reducing bribery. DS/ISO 37001 Anti-bribery management systems – Requirements with guidance for use provides requirements and guidance for establishing, implementing, maintaining, and improving an anti-bribery management system. DS/ISO 37001 can be implemented independently of, or be integrated into an overall management system.
The objective of ISO 37001 is to provide an effective anti-bribery management tool appropriate to an organization's particular needs and to ensure that this effective management is maintained through a process for continuous improvement. As with other management systems, DS/ISO 37001 is to be updated on a current basis so that the enterprise or organization remains competent to handle the challenges that exist in a constantly changing globalised business world.
It helps enterprises and organizations fulfil their sustainability and social responsibility by providing guidance on the integration of policies and procedures to combat bribery in the countries in which they operate.
The requirements in DS/ISO 37001 are generic and are intended to be applicable by all organizations and businesses, regardless of their type, size, and nature, and whether they operate in the private, public or non-profit sectors. This includes public enterprises, large organizations, SMEs, and NGOs.
The anti-bribery management standard may be of benefit to businesses and organizations, as well as their environment, and create value, for instance, through:
Would you like to join us to discuss anti-bribery? Then you have the opportunity to participate in the standardization committee of Danish Standards (S-859) Governance. The committee is of interest to public as well as private enterprises. Enterprises with an international focus or in the financial sector or medical industry, as well as lawyers and consultancy firms, may take a special interest in the work of the committee.