If you have any questions that are not answered here, we will, of course, be happy to assist.
How do I install the Unlock Document License?
You download the installation program via this link: Download Unlock Document License.
Which standards can I unlock and move?
The Unlock Document License allows you to unlock and move the standards you are permitted to open.
In which situations should I unlock and move my standard?
Please note that you must unlock and move your standard before:
otherwise you may not be able to open the standard subsequently.
Am I allowed to transfer the standard to others?
Yes. However, please be aware that when you transfer a standard to another user, you also transfer all rights to the standard.
I have transferred my standard to another user – how is my standard transferred back to me?
If you have unlocked and transferred a standard to another user, you have also transferred your rights to the standard. This means that the other user will have to unlock the standard and then transfer it back to you.
Please note that once you have transferred a standard, you no longer have any claim to it.
“The document "[Filename]" has not been encrypted by Danish Standards”
The document you are trying to unlock is not a DS standard. Unlock Document License only allows you to unlock DS standards.
“Unable to connect to the DRM server hosted by Danish Standards. The program cannot continue”
Check that your internet connection is working. Then check that a firewall or other security software is not blocking the access of the program to the internet.
“Your computer is not connected to the internet at the moment. The program cannot continue”
Check that your internet connection is working. Then check that a firewall or other security software is not blocking the access of the program to the internet.
”Unable to connect to the DRM server”
Check that your internet connection is working. Then check that a firewall or other security software is not blocking the access of the program to the internet.
”The DRM server was unable to unlock the license for the document”
Contact Danish Standards.
”Unlock not allowed”
This message means that you do not have the rights to the standard necessary to unlock the standard. A standard can be unlocked only by the user who is able to open it.
”Unlock failed”
Contact Danish Standards.