Further support for business as they transition to the new UKCA (UK Conformity Assessed) marking regime

24. June 2022

Further support for business as they transition to the new UKCA (UK Conformity Assessed) marking regime

UK has announced a new package of facilitations to support businesses with the transition to the UKCA marking.The transition period for the UKCA labeling has been extended until 31/12 2024. For products such as medical equipment, building materials, equipment for trains and ships, etc., other rules apply.

A package of 4 measures:

  • An extension of timeline for non-UK Conformity Assessment Body (CAB) certificated to be used for UKCA marking certification.
    • This would extend the current facilitation to allow business that already hold a CE certification or equivalent to use this a evidence towards meeting a new UKCA certification.
  • Removal of the need to re-test existing imported stock.
    • This would allow any CE-marked goods imported into the UK prior to the end of 2022 to be placed on the market after 1st Jan 2024 without needing to be tested under the UKCA system.
  • Further guidance on spare parts
    • This guidance will allow for CE-marked spare parts to freely enter the UK provided they are used to replace, repair or maintain CE-marked good on the UK market.
  • Further labelling easement for EEA countries.
    • This would extend an existing easement that allows for importer information and the UKCA marking to be placed on an adhesive label or on accompanying documents instead of being placed on the good itself, providing the good comes from the EEA.

Written statements - Written questions, answers and statements - UK Parliament

Updates for businesses next week Wednesday 29th at 11am (UK): https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/369108281807 and Wednesday 29th at 3pm (UK): https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/369128291657.



Torben Dalsgaard
Torben Dalsgaard Chefkonsulent | Chief Consultant
International & EU Politik
E: tod@ds.dk
T: 39 96 62 07

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