24. June 2022
A package of 4 measures:
Written statements - Written questions, answers and statements - UK Parliament
Updates for businesses next week Wednesday 29th at 11am (UK): https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/369108281807 and Wednesday 29th at 3pm (UK): https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/369128291657.
Watch or rewatch the webinar to explore the status of the EU AI Act and the coming harmonised standards for artificial intelligence.
Portal for read-only access to national adoptions of specific harmonized European standards for European public access.
The European Commission and CEN-CENELEC have decided that all National Standards Bodies (NSB) in Europe must have a virtual read-only portal. As a result, the harmonized standards related to the EU ruling in case C-588/21 P are now available to th...
An important part of the green transition depends on a successful expansion of our power grid. The power grid will, for instance, have to accommodate a growing need for the integration of more decentralised electricity production, energy storage a...