Public access portal related to case C-588/21 P is now accessible at

28. June 2024

Public access portal related to case C-588/21 P is now accessible at

The European Commission and CEN-CENELEC have decided that all National Standards Bodies (NSB) in Europe must have a virtual read-only portal. As a result, the harmonized standards related to the EU ruling in case C-588/21 P are now available to the public in Denmark.

On 5 March 2024, it was determined that the European Commission should provide access to the four harmonized standards covered by case C-588/21 P. The European Commission and CEN-CENELEC, owner of the standards, have since been in dialogue on how to implement the ruling.

The European Commission and CEN-CENELEC have now agreed on a solution where all 34 NSBs make the national adoptions of the relevant standards available in a portal which is open to all.

- At Danish Standards, we are pleased that we can now welcome our customers to a portal at with easy access to the standards related to the ruling. We have opted to integrate the portal with our other systems to make the platform user-friendly and easily accessible, says Tina Helsted Vengsgaard, Director of Standardization at Danish Standards.

Portal functionality

The Danish portal can be accessed via the webshop: 

The digital read-only access allows the user to read the standards. If you wish to copy or integrate one or more of the standards into your own systems, they can be purchased via our webshop or Standard Distribute.

Other harmonized standards

The case C-588/21 P concerns four harmonized standards – three CEN standards on toys and one CEN standard on testing of nickel:

  • DS/EN 12472 + A1:2009 – Method for the simulation of accelerated wear and corrosion for the detection of nickel release from coated items
  • DS/EN 71-12:2013 – Safety of toys – Part 12: N-Nitrosamines and N-nitrosatable substances
  • DS/EN 71-4:2013 – Safety of toys – Part 4: Experimental sets for chemistry and related activities
  • DS/EN 71-5:2015 – Safety of toys – Part 5: Chemical toys (sets) other than experimental sets

Three of the harmonized standards to which access has been sought have been withdrawn. This means that they are no longer applicable. However, as they are the subjects of case C-588/21 P, the European Commission has decided to make these available in the portal.

Whether the remaining harmonized standards will also become available in the portal has yet to be decided by the European Commission and CEN- CENELEC. will be updated once we have new information.


What is a harmonized standard?

A harmonized standard is a technical specification developed by CEN, CENELEC or ETSI following a request from the European Commission through a transparent process. It describes how to meet general requirements of EU directives. Harmonized standards provide a presumption of conformity with legislation when they are published by the Commission in the Official Journal of the European Union.

Which harmonized standards are covered by the ruling?

The case C-588/21 P concerns four specific harmonized standards – three CEN standards on toys and one CEN standard on testing of nickel:


DS/EN 12472 + A1:2009 – Method for the simulation of accelerated wear and corrosion for the detection of nickel release from coated items


DS/EN 71-12:2013 – Safety of toys – Part 12: N-Nitrosamines and N-nitrosatable substances


DS/EN 71-4:2013 – Safety of toys – Part 4: Experimental sets for chemistry and related activities


DS/EN 71-5:2015 – Safety of toys – Part 5: Chemical toys (sets) other than experimental sets


Three of the harmonized standards to which access has been sought have been withdrawn. This means that they are no longer applicable. However, as they are the subjects of case C-588/21 P, the European Commission has decided to make these available in the portal.


However, the ruling may result in access being granted to more harmonised standards that may be of public interest. 

Who will grant access to the four standards?

The ruling states that the European Commission must grant access to the four harmonized CEN standards to the two organisations Public.Resource.Org Inc. and Right to Know CLG, who made the initial request.


In the long term, the European Commission may grant access to several harmonized standards to more organisations. 

Who can access the four harmonized standards?

Anyone with an interest in the matter can read the four specific standards on the website of the NSBs. You can read them in our webshop here following your registration:

By when must the European Commission grant access to the standards?

The European Commission has granted access to the four specific standards covered by the ruling. To begin witht to the two organisations Public.Resource.Org Inc. and Right to Know CLG, who made the initial request, and they are now available to the public via decentralized read-only portals.

Will harmonized standards be free of charge on

The ruling is not focused on free standards on, but on public access to harmonized standards. It is the responsibility of the European Commission to ensure that public access is granted to harmonized standards of public interest. The European Commission, together with CEN-CENELEC, has decided to give access to the four harmonized standards via decentralized read-only portals.

What is the position of Danish Standards?

Danish Standards is following the case closely and is in dialogue with CEN-CENELEC in order to learn more about the consequences of the ruling. Danish Standards is not participating directly in the negotiations but is represented through CEN-CENELEC together with the 34 European NSBs, Danish Standards included. We believe that the portal is a good solution, making the four standards easy to find. 

The availability of standards

You can read all standards, including the harmonized standards covered by the ruling, at any time at the Royal Library in Aarhus and Copenhagen as well as at DTU or by physical attendance at Danish Standards by appointment. 


Helena Schou Østergaard
Helena Schou Østergaard Presseansvarlig | Media Relations Manager
Marketing og kommunikation
T: 39 96 62 74

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