These two standards are the result of a very successful collaboration between the ISO subcommittee responsible for the ISO 22000 family of standards (ISO/TC 34/SC 17) and the ISO committee responsible for conformity assessment standards (ISO/CASCO)
To support the understanding and the development process of the documents, the joint working group responsible for the development has created the following webinar and presentation:
Note: ISO 22003-1 supplements ISO 17021-1:2015, the standard for the accreditation of bodies providing audit and certification of all types of management systems.
FSMS certification – a certification, based on ISO’s harmonized requirements for management systems, that incorporates food safety requirements based on the international accepted principles of food safety (i.e. prerequisite programs and, as appropriate, control measures that result from either a site-specific or generic hazard analysis).
Note: ISO 22003-2 supplements ISO 17065:2012, the standard for the accreditation of bodies certifying all types of products, processes, and services.
FSS certification – a product certification that incorporates requirements based on the internationally accepted principles of food safety (i.e., prerequisite programs and, as appropriate, control measures that result from either a site-specific or generic hazard analysis) and management system components (e.g. management commitment, responsibility and review, documented information, internal audit) that support the production of safe food