
Industritrucks (S-830)

Vil du indenfor området industritrucks have forhåndsviden om ændringer i standarder, indflydelse på ordlyden i standarderne og løbende sparring med kolleger i samme branche både i Danmark og resten af verden? Så skal du deltage i dette udvalg.

Er du interesseret i at deltage i udvalget?
Merete Bennick 1635X489 Neu


Merete Westergaard Bennick
Seniorkonsulent | Senior Consultant
Standardisering | Byggeri & Energi
E: mwb@ds.dk
T: 39 96 61 47


Der arbejdes blandt andet på følgende emner:

  • prEN 1459-5 Rough-terrain trucks – Safety requirements and verification – Part 5: Attachments and attachment interface
  • prEN 16842-1 Powered industrial trucks – Visibility – Test methods and verification – Part 1: General requirements
  • prEN 16842-2 Powered industrial trucks – Visibility – Test methods and verification – Part 2: Sit-on counterbalance trucks and rough terrain masted trucks up to and including 10 000 kg capacity
  • prEN 16842-3 Powered industrial trucks – Visibility – Test method and verification – Part 3: Reach trucks up to and including 10 000 kg
  • prEN 16842-4 Powered industrial trucks- Visibility – Test methods and verification – Part 4 : Industrial variable reach trucks up to and including 10 000 kg capacity
  • prEN 16842-6 Powered industrial trucks – Visibility – Test methods and verification – Part 6: Sit-on counterbalance trucks and rough terrain masted trucks greater than 10 000 kg capacity
  • prEN 16842-7 Powered industrial trucks – Visibility – Test method for verification – Part 7: Variable reach and masted container trucks handling freight containers of 6 m length and longer
  • ISO/CD 6055 Industrial trucks -- Overhead guards -- Specification and testing

Læs mere om de europæiske og internationale tekniske komiteer indenfor industritrucks: 

Sammen sætter vi standarder for fremtiden


Hvis du vil høre mere om, hvad du får ud af at deltage i udvalget, og hvad det koster, er du velkommen til at kontakte konsulenten. Du har også mulighed for at læse mere om det generelle prisniveau her.


  • Mobile Industrial Robots ApS
  • NNE

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