If you seek inspiration to alternative project management practices, then this book helps you understand project management by developing your own “recipe” for doing projects.
The book shows you how to transform the well-known processes into actions, and how to team-work to achieve a meaningful purpose. The book focusses on three elements: The ISO 21502:2020, Guidance on project management standard, which represents a common language. The Nordic “flavour”, which complements ISO 21502 through its focus on empowerment based on understanding, social relations, and the development of future-oriented meaningful projects. The four perspectives (purpose, people, complexity, and uncertainty) and context, which together provide a solid foundation to develop your own recipe for projects, in line with both the ISO standard and the Nordic flavour.
Antal sider: 188
Udgivelsesdato: 2022-08-01
Type: Håndbog